Getting Underway: First steps

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Thu Jun 5 06:50:40 UTC 2014

Greetings again, GSoC students.

At this point, we hope that you and your mentor are very well
acquainted, and have worked out a routine for regular communication.

We hope the code base you are working with is now familiar to you, as
are all the tools and documentation you need.

We hope all of you have your KDE developer account set up and working,
so that your code can be seen by your team members (including

We hope that your blog is set up somewhere, and that you have added it
to PlanetKDE [Pro-tip: "Add your blog" link right up top].

And we hope you have blogged at least once, introducing yourself and
your project to the KDE community as a whole. If not, do it now,
please. Once you have published blog posts, please list on the Status
Reports wiki page, and keep that up-to-date.[1]

Please write back if you are having any problems with any of the above
steps, or ask your mentor.

All the best,

Your loving GSoC admins


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