GSoC/SoK Final-Survey

Andreas Schilling andreas.schilling at
Tue Aug 23 22:57:05 UTC 2011

Dear “Summer of Code”-Students 2011,

First of all, thanks to all of you who answered my first GSoC- 
respectively SoK-questionnaire a month ago. Your answers help me a lot 
with my research.

I hope you enjoyed your Summer of Code at KDE and you all succeeded in 
you individual coding-projects. As you might remember, I am a research 
assistant at the chair for Information Systems and Services at Bamberg 
University. In my research I analyze factors that drive FLOSS-developers 
to contribute. Therefore, I am analyzing currently together with Lydia 
Pintscher motivational and environmental factors which are especially 
relevant for GSoC-students. Because the best way to find about these 
factors is to survey the people who are concerned, I would like to take 
the chance and ask you to answer the questionnaire linked below. Like 
the last time the questionnaire is 4 pages long and is structured into 
the 3 sections “Your motivation”, “Your experience” and “You 
conclusion”. I would greatly appreciate if you could take 10 minutes (I 
promise it won’t take longer) and answer the questions until August 31. 
Your answers would allow me to see if and how developers’ motivational 
and environmental drivers change during GSoC.

The questionnaire is designed to offer you the highest level of 
anonymity, so please answer honestly. Because the questionnaire is 
publicly available, I have to ensure that only SoK and GSoC-students of 
this year participate in the survey. Hence, you are asked at the 
beginning of the questionnaire to enter your KDE-username. I assure you 
that I will never give your personal answers to anyone of KDE nor to 
anyone else. Lydia provided me already with the usernames of all GSoC- 
and SoK-students of this year, so I will check the validity all by 
myself. Further, I guarantee you that your answers will have no effect 
at any time on your evaluation results or your GSoC-stipends.

Please find the questionnaire under this link:

As soon as I finish my research I will publish the aggregated results of 
this and the last study on Lydia’s blog, so you can have a look at the 

Finally, I would like to wish all of you the best for your future and 
your time at KDE.

Thank you


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