How to use created repository

Merlijn van Deen (valhallasw) valhallasw at
Wed Jan 9 17:04:57 GMT 2019

Hi Peter,

On Wed, 9 Jan 2019 at 17:24, Peter Grandcourt <peter.grandcourt at>

> I have converted a large repository to git using the svn-all-fast-export.
>  But after the conversation there is no .git folder, and so I can’t run
> any git commands.
Could you describe the commands you've used to do the conversion, as well
as the .rules file used to create the repositories?

It has been a long time since I've used the tool -- the scripts and tooling
I used at the time are available at Specifically,
automates the whole process from updating the SVN mirror to pushing the
result to a remote git server.

This `total.rules` creates four repositories:

$ ls output
compat  core  i18n  spelling

and each repository is a so-called 'bare' git repository:

$ ls output/compat
branches  config  description  HEAD  hooks  info  marks-output_compat
objects  refs

You can't use such a repository directly, but you can push and pull from
it, e.g.

$ git clone output/compat new_regular_git_repo
Cloning into 'new_regular_git_repo'...
$ cd new_regular_git_repo
$ ls
[... files on master branch ...]

I hope this helps!

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