Converted git repository missing 2 years of history

Nicolás Alvarez nicolas.alvarez at
Fri Sep 15 16:26:35 UTC 2017

> El 15 sept 2017, a las 13:19, John Lawlor <jk.lawlor at> escribió:
> Hi,
> I have converted a large SVN repo to git using svn2git. The repo is 5G on disk:
> [johnl at pluto:/u01/conversion/tools/bin ]$ du -sh VoltComponents/
> 5.4G    VoltComponents/
> [johnl at pluto:/u01/conversion/tools/bin ]$ 

Note that git-fast-import produces very badly compressed repositories. I recommend running 'git gc --aggressive' after converting.

> When I push it up to the server, it is only pushing 1.5GB of data, and the repository is missing two years of commits.
> I am not sure what is happening...

Does your converted repository have multiple branches? Are you pushing them all? A 'git push' might only push the current branch...

Award-winning git repo surgeon (?!)
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