[Kde-scm-interest] kdenetwork Git migration

Urs Wolfer uwolfer at kde.org
Thu Mar 7 16:24:57 UTC 2013


I'm in the process of migrating kdenetwork to Git. Since I'm not a Git 
pro, I need some help with the migration scripts. There is already a 
basically working script available [1], but it needs some work. George 
Goldberg has started this work, but he does not have time for continuing 
this work.

I have already done most of preparation work (e.g. standalone build of 
all applications in trunk; will backport to the 4.10 branch when we 
continue with the migration) and also organsiation (e.g. communcation 
with all maintainers who are willing to try out there app-repos after a 
test migration).

So it would be great if somebody with experiences with 
migration-rule-writing could support me. I have some more hints what 
needs to be changed in the existing rules. Also I have no idea if the 
existing rules are quite correct or if things are missing.

Who would like to support me?

Please CC me - I'm not subscribed to this list.



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