[Kde-scm-interest] KDESDK->git: joining submodules in a single repo?

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Mon May 28 15:22:48 UTC 2012


currently it is planned to split the kdesdk into several git repos.
Just, the split would not simply be done by the existing submodules/toplevel 

While it would be simple for all the big programs (umbrello, kompare, etc.) 
and plugin types (dolphin-plugins, strigi-analyzer, etc), which would be 
directly mapped to an own repo, the plan is to join in a single repo all those 
small utilities for developers using... 
... KDE libs/framework: 
* kpartloader - program loading kparts

... Qt libs/framework: 
* kuiviewer - program displaying UI files
* kprofilemethod - C++-header for profiling using QTime

... X libs: 
* kstartperf - program measuring startup time using preload of XMapWindow()

... C++(/C?): 
* kmtrace - program for malloc debugging using glibc's "mtrace"

Has this, splitting into repos, but joining some of them in one submodule, 
been done in one of the other module migrations? From a quick look I could not 
find anything similar so far.

If there was, how was this done? 

I am asking especially with regard to prepare the buildsystem (good Sebastian 
added this). Is it as simple as just creating a new toplevel directory and 
moving the toplevel dirs of the utils listed above into that new directory, so 
that all the toplevel dirs again map 1:1 to the planned git repos?

If so, does anything outside the module depend on the layout/structure of the 
submodules, so that needs to be taken care of as well? Or is everything 
generated automatically from what there is in the module, so it also adapts 
Currently I cannot think of anything. Files should be installed as before and 
all translation catalogs should be named as before (does the actual location 
where they are generated matter?). API dox is also autogenerated completely 
from what files are found. And the submodules moved also do not have anything 
in doc/, so no problem there as well. What is missed in this list?


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