[Kde-scm-interest] pushing rebased shared branches

Michael Jansen kde at michael-jansen.biz
Mon Aug 8 16:58:39 UTC 2011

On Monday, August 08, 2011 05:36:25 PM Marcel Wiesweg wrote:
> > This solution doesn't address the problems Ben mentioned. 100 commits
> > is a lot though so maybe isn't relevant to the OP.
> > 
> > I don't think it matters much whether you rename or delete, especially
> > given that "deleting" a branch is really just renaming it (it gets put
> > in some slightly hidden ref).
> I will have 5 or 6 commits, so no big problem. In the end, it seems the
> detour of rename and or delete will solve the problem and give identical
> results.

Not really. It is MUCH easier to handle when you are developing on top of a 
branch that has the history rewritten.


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