[Kde-scm-interest] Re: Tracking directory moves

Niko Sams niko.sams at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 17:49:18 CET 2010

2010/11/22 Arno Rehn <kde at arnorehn.de>:
> Hi again,
> while tracking down the last issue, I've also found out that svn2git won't
> currently track the move from kdebindings/qtruby to kdebindings/ruby/qtruby.
> I thought an 'action recurse' rule on /trunk/KDE/kdebindings/ruby/qtruby/
> would fix this, but apparently it doesn't.
> Does anyone know what's wrong with the rules? (Rules attached).
> The relevant commit is r653117 [0].

You convert into one git repository, svn2git can't help.

If you create multiple repositories with svn2git - instead of
splitting afterwards - you
can use recurse on kdebindings (not on ruby itself).
But recurse won't be needed for this particular move anyway - you need it
eg. when the whole KDE was tagged.

I think mutiple repositories make the conversion much easier.


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