[Kde-scm-interest] Re: git filter-branch preserving history

Johannes Sixt j.sixt at viscovery.net
Mon Nov 22 08:38:39 CET 2010

Am 11/19/2010 21:31, schrieb Arno Rehn:
> On Friday 19 November 2010 21:04:15 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
>> So, if reflogs can keep objects alive, your repository would have started
>> shrinking in about 30 days.  If reflogs can't keep objects alive, your
>> repository would have started shrinking in about 2 weeks.
> Thanks, after following all of your tips it's now down to 44M instead of 64M - 
> but that's still way too large. Having a look at the history again, I see that 
> many of the recent unrelated commits vanished, but there are still bunch of 
> commits from 2007 and pre-2007 that are completely unrelated.
> Maybe the initial svn2git rules are not correct so that git somehow thinks the 
> commits would be related... but some of those rules would then be REALLY 
> wrong, which I don't quite believe.

Make a clone and check the size of that. BUT: You have to make the clone
the complicated way, using the file: protocol, otherwise, you just get a
hard-linked copy that would be largely the same as the original:

  cd ..
  git clone file://kdebindings tmp

Note that file://kdebindings names a relative path.

-- Hannes

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