[Kde-scm-interest] Alternate Git options

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. bss at iguanasuicide.net
Wed May 12 17:02:11 CEST 2010

On Wednesday 12 May 2010 08:13:39 Esben Mose Hansen wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 May 2010 21:29:47 Jeff Mitchell wrote:
> > This all said, we discussed a few alternatives in #kde-git and I was
> > asked to put them on this list for discussion:
> I know this is probably a stupid question, but since I can't see the
>  answer, perhaps other can't either. As far as I can see, we need
> 1. Actual git repositories
> 2. User access controls
> 3. Merge requests/reviewboard
> 4. A bug tracking system
> How about the really simple solution of git + ssh + unix groups,

Correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is that using unix groups for 
access control with git would be to coarse-grained to accurately model the 
existing ACLs.

My understanding is that UNIX permissions can only restrict access to whole 
repositories and not specific files or trees under those repositories.  If 
that's the case, it presented problems on the front-end (we'd have to split 
the repository to match the ACLs) and on the bank-end (if I new ACL is 
required, we have to split an existing repository that is in active use.)

> and
>  patching reviewboard to support git, while keeping bugzilla as is?

I don't see any reason bug-handling is required to change at the same time as 
a git migration.  Reviewboard does need nominal git support.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.           	 ,= ,-_-. =.
bss at iguanasuicide.net            	((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy 	 `-'(. .)`-'
http://iguanasuicide.net/        	     \_/
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