[Kde-scm-interest] Alternate Git options

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at kde.org
Wed May 12 11:23:59 CEST 2010

On 05/12/2010 02:10 AM, Thomas Zander wrote:
> The point of Jeff to use git only has merit as indeed git is capable of doing 
> exactly this. Using two repos to merge in someone elses patches into the 
> mainline.

My point wasn't that we should use git only. I was just trying to figure
out what you meant, because I didn't understand the phrase "pure git
based merge requests".

> If github only does cherry-picking thats kind of a showstopper for me too, to 
> be honest.

GitHub lets you use the same workflow as Gitorious for merging if you
want. It just has a "feature" that lets you merge code without you
having to do it yourself, doing it under the hood for you with a click.
If you choose to go that route, it cherry-picks.


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