[Kde-scm-interest] Git history

Torgny Nyblom kde at nyblom.org
Sun Mar 28 08:54:02 CEST 2010


When writing the rules for kdepim* I've hit some issues, hopefully these are 
just me not understanding what to do so I hope some of you might be able to 
help me.

Currently I've been unable to find a way to get git to follow history correct 
when a sub directory has been moved across a module border and has been 
renamed at the same time, for instance kdepim/akonadi/libakonadi -> 
kdepimlibs/akonadi at r788342. The history is there but git cannot follow the 
current HEAD backwards across the border.

* One solution to this would be to import each sub directory into its own git 
repository and then join all these into a module repository, however this will 
have the consequence of ignoring any directory renames that the sub directory 
might have had, in other words it will break old builds since code might be in 
the wrong directory.

* Another  solution is to ignore this apparent loss of history, but that will 
break git blame and friends[1].

* Hopefully a better solution...

[1]On a side note it seems that "git gui blame" does list where the commits 
actually comes from but "git blame" and "git log -C -C --follow" stops at a 
move like the one mentioned above.


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