[Kde-scm-interest] Handling moves from multiple locations to one location?

Stephen Kelly steveire at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 13:28:27 CET 2010


I'm working on a ruleset for akonadi-server.

create repository akonadi-server
end repository

## added in r508468
match /trunk/KDE/kdepim/akonadiserver/
  repository akonadi-server
  branch master
end match

# moved to akonadi/server in 559056
match /trunk/KDE/kdepim/akonadi/server/
  repository akonadi-server
  branch master
end match

# Parts of Akonadi server started life mingling with the akonadi libraries.
match /trunk/KDE/kdepimlibs/akonadi/interfaces/
  repository akonadi-server
  branch master
end match

# imapparser_p.h and other files come from here, but I don't 
# know how to access them.
#match /trunk/KDE/kdepimlibs/akonadi/
#  repository akonadi-server
#  branch master
#end match

# Bits moved together to kdesupport in 
# http://websvn.kde.org:80/?view=revision&revision=800213
match /trunk/kdesupport/akonadi/
  repository akonadi-server
  branch master
end match

match /
end match

The problem is http://websvn.kde.org:80/?view=revision&revision=800213 which 
moved the contents of kdepim/akonadi/server and some but not all of 
kdepimlibs/akonadi to kdesupport/akonadi where it is today.

My rules so far do not handle files in kdepimlibs/akonadi which moved to 
kdesupport as part of the server, such as imapparser_p.h.

A match rule for trunk/kdepimlibs/akonadi/ would cover all of the akonadi 
client library, while I am only interested in about 10 files in it.

As far as I understand match rules can't match individual files. It was 
suggested that I have to write min/max rules for each commit that touches 
files I'm interested in? Will that work/Is it the way to handle these cases?
What happens with revisions which touch files I am interested in and files I 
am not interested in?

All the best,


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