[Kde-scm-interest] Process of moving a project from svn to git

Ian Monroe ian.monroe at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 22:48:22 CET 2010

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 3:42 PM, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> for those concerned about KDE breaking apart between svn and git, don't
> worry this is not about kdevelop. Its about one of the tools some of our
> plugins use. Namely kdevelop-pg-qt, residing in playground.
> This one has a very small easy history (only master, no branches or
> tags), but needs a release soonish (so packagers have something to
> package for our plugins) I'd like to use it as "testbed" for moving a
> project from svn to git.
> So I'm wondering what I have to do? Obviously write the rules file and
> generate a git repository. Things that come to mind:
> - create a project on gitorious for it
> - create a repository
> - push my local clone
> - Access rights? I guess kde-developers should be collaborators, do I
>  have to set kde-admins as admin of the project?

kde-sysadmins I think, but yea that would work. You could also make
kde-developers the owner of the group (this gives the sysadmins admin
access obviously). Just be sure to edit the project description first,
since only the owner can do this.

> What did I forget about?

Ping me to add it to the post-update hook. Include the git url and
previous SVN url.


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