[Kde-scm-interest] KDE Git hosting status update

Eike Hein hein at kde.org
Thu Jun 10 18:24:30 CEST 2010

On 06/10/2010 11:01 AM, Torgny Nyblom wrote:
> [...]
> Great work!
> Does there exist any schedule for the migration (however preliminary and
> rough)?

We're definitely looking to keep the ball rolling and further
flesh our test setup. We want to migrate over Konversation and
Amarok from Gitorious.org first, since there is overlap between
those dev teams and the Sysadmin team, so there's a high-band-
width comm channel in case of problems. That should happen
pretty soon now.

We will use these two projects to test the waters and do more
integration work. Once we get things to the point where we are
confident we can handle more, we're going to reach out to the
other teams currently using Gitorious.org to get their stuff
migrated as well.

As for the migration of stuff currently still in KDE SVN, that
is going to require an effort of a larger set of people than
just the sysadmin team and we'll have to see how that develops
further - we provide the infratructure, but things like conver-
sion rules to feed into svn2git require many helping hands, no
change there.

> /regards
> Torgny

Best regards,
Eike Hein

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