[Kde-scm-interest] svn: Revision file lacks trailing newline

Eike Hein hein at kde.org
Tue Feb 23 14:21:39 CET 2010

On 02/22/2010 11:37 PM, Ian Monroe wrote:
> I'm getting
> $ svn log -v -r950717 file:///mnt/tera/kde-svn/kde/
> svn: Revision file lacks trailing newline
> This obviously blocks svn2git from doing its job.
> ` svn log -v -r950717 svn+ssh://ianmonroe@svn.kde.org/home/kde` works just fine.
> Any ideas?

That commit was done by sengels, so he probably did it from
a Windows box, maybe causing Windows line endings to end up
there rather than Unix ones. I don't know though why your
svn2git stumbles over that, when I converted Konversation I
didn't see it and I don't think Jeremy has seen it either
working on kdeaccessibility.

You were working on kdemultimedia I think, so none of your
rules ought to match www/ except for the catchall at the
end, like it would for the Konvi and kdeaccessibility rules ...

This might be of interest:

> Ian

Best regards,
Eike Hein

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