[Kde-scm-interest] Moving kdebindings to git

Eike Hein hein at kde.org
Thu Aug 19 18:22:21 CEST 2010

On 08/19/2010 04:39 PM, Arno Rehn wrote:
> Well, I was just seeing that amarok and konversation have already been moved 
> there. So I thought that moving another project wouldn't be a problem. Looking 
> at the git infrastructure launch article on the wiki again, it could be more 
> problematic than I thought though.
> Sorry for noise.

Amarok and Konversation were also the first to move to Gitorious.org
back then, they're kinda the projects we use to test stuff - mostly
because with Jeff and me they both have core developers who are mem-
bers of the sysadmin team, so there is a very direct conduit in the
case of problems (i.e. the ones who have them get to fix them).

And problems there are. For example, just the other day Amarok was
unable to create its beta release tag when they wanted to, due to
a small bug in a server-side hook script (since fixed). That's one
of many lessons learned on the backs of Amarok and Konvi, so it's
not like they get preferential treatment with no downsides. Simi-
larly, when they moved to Gitorious.org back then, they lost ser-
vices like the BUG: keyword, LXR, EBN and commitfilter initially
until that was sorted out with them as test subjects.

Another reason is that the test setup currently does not yet run on
the final production servers, so there will be another (hopefully
brief) interruption of service when things migrate to the final

So it's not like we're saying no to screw with you, but because we
don't think it's ready yet to bear the brunt of a large-scale mi-
gration (it's not like kdebindings is the only subproject eager
to get onto git.kde.org atm).

Best regards,
Eike Hein

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