[Kde-scm-interest] Meeting minutes

Thomas Zander zander at kde.org
Tue Nov 17 11:22:50 CET 2009

On Monday 16. November 2009 21.43.18 Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
> > - the sizes of the Git object dbs are larger
> i think you posted some numbers before, but would you mind refreshing
> our memory?
> irrespective of the actual numbers i'd venture the guess that on
> average, individual developers would still save disk space, as they
> wouldn't have to download stuff they have no interest in. that applies
> to app developers in particular.

This assumes something that is in general currently not the case; it assumes 
you can build something like marble without having the cmake files of the 
module present.
Or that you can build kword without doing a checkout of the rest of koffice.

If you really know what you are doing, its likely possible. But very 
impractical and in need of a *lot* of work in svn if you want to make this 
work consistently for everyone.
Anyone claiming this works today using svn is not being completely honest with 

Oswald; the earliest suggestion from you to have split modules like kdelibs 
and kdebase and kdeedu split up goes back to well over 2 years ago[1]. While I 
think its fine that you have an opinion, I think its not so fine if you continue 
to object to people doing the actual work without actually doing work to move 
in the direction you want.

So, please, show the initiative to either fix the modules in svn or write the 
scripts that can do the checkout and build the way you suggest. Then we can 
compare on merit. Or, rather, "Show me the money!" [2].

The proposal for splitting has been on the table for the last 2 years. Please 
produce a counter proposal if you think you can do better.

1) http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-scm-interest&m=120193241532156&w=2
2) Quote from Jerry Maguire
Thomas Zander

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