[Kde-scm-interest] Meeting minutes

Chani chanika at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 19:30:13 CET 2009

> Some more stats. I said that I doubted that KDE had any module with 100
>  active committers. Let's define what an active committer is:
> At least 5 commits / month. So in the 7 months, we need 35 commits. Under
>  that rule, we have:
> 	Qt: 71
> 	kdelibs: 29
> 	kdebase: 29
> 	kdelibs+kdebase+kdepim: 68

what about something like kdegames or kdeedu? I'm wondering what sort of 
numbers they get, and why they wouldn't be better off splitting, as they seem 
more like an aggregation of projects to begin with...

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