[Kde-scm-interest] Meeting minutes

Michael Pyne mpyne at kde.org
Sat Nov 14 05:56:17 CET 2009

On Friday 13 November 2009 08:03:27 Ian Monroe wrote:
> 2009/11/12 Michael Pyne <mpyne at kde.org>:
> > On Thursday 12 November 2009 14:46:47 Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> >> > On Thursday 12. November 2009 19.05.25 Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> >> > >        -> write a script to clone, update and build everything, like
> >> > > kde-svn (TASK: Morice).=
> >> >
> >> > What does this mean?
> >>
> >> What is unclear about it? It simply means that there has to be a script
> >>  like kde-svn-build that can clone, update and build everything.
> >
> > Now I did catch the meeting late but how similar to kdesvn-build are we
> > talking about?  kdesvn-build can already build qt-copy and amarok from
> > git so I'm not sure what we're missing...
> >
> > Don't take this the wrong way as if there's a different build script to
> > do that same job that's one less thing for me to maintain.  But I don't
> > see the reasoning for a rewrite, especially when my impression of work
> > needed from when we had talking on this list months ago was along the
> > lines of "port kdesvn-build" instead of "rewrite kdesvn-build".
> Well the difference is the tool is going to be reading an
> authoritative file that describes KDE and more emphasis on simply
> cloning.

This already exists, with an official release even now.  The only catch is 
that there is no "authoritative" kdesvn-buildrc (and the kdesvn-buildrc is 
probably both overkill for what it sounds like you want and lacks metadata).  
But there is a sample RC file and kdesvn-build already can download files over 
HTTP (since that's what downloaded SVN snapshots) so adding a "download this 
file and use it as authoritative" is almost trivial.

And also, the task as described by Boudewijn seemed clear enough to me,

> What is unclear about it? It simply means that there has to be a script like
> kde-svn-build [sic] that can clone, update and build everything.

I mean, the description of this task is exactly to "make a script like kdesvn-
build", hence my questions.

> The idea now isn't rewriting things but just extending mjansen's ruby
> build tool.

I'm aware of his work and it does seem that Michael has avoided making some of 
the mistakes I made when I first started kdecvs-build. :)  i.e. there's more 
architecture/design to it (whereas kdesvn-build is/was very much "organic"...) 
so I'm glad that we're not trying to start a new tool from scratch at this 

So I'll see about ensuring kdesvn-build can support whatever the preferred 
format is but I do find it weird that nothing was ever mentioned before about 
build scripts that I can tell, with the exception of pointing out months ago 
that I'd need to port kdesvn-build :P [1]

Is there some different mailing list where this is being discussed I should 
subscribe to?

[1] http://markmail.org/thread/b4w76zrjv7366py6

 - Michael Pyne
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