[Kde-scm-interest] l10n-kde4/scripts

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Sat Jun 6 15:27:21 CEST 2009

Total fail :-/


 * The git log should not be there
 * cat: /home/cvs/prod/git/kde-qt/.git/refs/heads/master: No such file or 
   Inside /home/cvs/prod/git/kde-qt/.git/refs/heads/ there is 
       4.5.1  4.5.1-patched  notsafe/  origin  patches/
 * Usage: /usr/bin/git-clean [-d] [-n] [-q] [-x | -X] [--] <paths>...
   Usage: /usr/bin/git-reset [--mixed | --soft | --hard]  [<commit-ish>]

the l10n server is using git version that is what debian provides.

A Divendres, 5 de juny de 2009, Chani Armitage va escriure:
> SVN commit 977987 by chani:
> git support for scripty!
> -qt is using the git repo now, so we're prepared for qt-copy leaving
> -there's a git-test repo in here which translators should IGNORE. if
> nothing explodes it'll be removed after some tests are done. -all the
> $transmod stuff is still svn-only.
> CCMAIL:kde-scm-interest at kde.org
>  M  +2 -1      extract-messages.sh
>  M  +55 -2     get_paths
>  M  +7 -2      make_docs_externals
>  M  +155 -52   update_translations

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