[Kde-scm-interest] the permissions confusion

Thomas Zander zander at kde.org
Sat Dec 12 10:31:26 CET 2009

Starting a new thread as its impossible to follow the old one. I hope this can 
be brief, though. Current state attached the bottom of this mail (Thanks 

On Saturday 12. December 2009 00.54.33 Eike Hein wrote:
> * In order to handle merge request mail routing, additio-
>   nal per-project teams have been created:
>   amarok-developers*
>   konversation-reviewers
>   These have been added to the respective repositories
>   as collaborators with the "Review" flag set. At the
>   same time, the "Review" flag has been removed from kde-
>   developers for these repositories.

So, this goes against the long standing KDE rules of engagement, and the main 
reason is people don't want to see mails of those merge requests of projects 
they are not interested in.
Or, in other words, kde developers want to be able to pick which merge 
requests they see so the kdegames devs don't have to see amarok MRs.

The complaint is fair enough, the solution has the problem stated before, you 
need permission to help out with merge requests. This is not the KDE way of 
working and I don't think we can 'sell' that notion to the rest of KDE.

Can we agree that;
a) we want all devs to be able to determine themselves which emails they get?
b) we want all devs to be able to commit to any kde-developers owned repo and 
likewise, we want all devs to be able to comment on and otherwise process 
merge requests ?

If we agree, then lets stop this discussion and have our eyes open for a long 
term solution.


On Saturday 12. December 2009 00.54.33 Eike Hein wrote:
> > I also think this thread is getting waaay to confusing, I don't know what
> > the current state is and what is being proposed.
> Let me sum up the current situation:
> * There's a kde-developers team that anyone who has a KDE
>   SVN account can become a member of by filing a sysadmin
>   request.
> * All official KDE projects on Gitorious (e.g. Amarok and
>   Konversation) are owned by kde-developers.
> * Everyone in kde-developers can commit to any repository
>   of any project owned by it.
> * In order to handle merge request mail routing, additio-
>   nal per-project teams have been created:
>   amarok-developers*
>   konversation-reviewers
>   These have been added to the respective repositories
>   as collaborators with the "Review" flag set. At the
>   same time, the "Review" flag has been removed from kde-
>   developers for these repositories. Thus only the people
>   in the special teams now get merge request mail rela-
>   ted to the respective repositories, not the whole of
>   kde-developers, and only they can modify the status
>   of a merge request (but actual merging is about commit
>   access which is handled through kde-developers).
>   To get added to one of these teams, you need to ask a
>   team administrator (which is a contentious issue with
>   this solution).
>   In practice, the special teams currently contain all
>   the core developers of the respective apps and they're
>   administrated by core people from the respective apps.
>   * = The "amarok-developers" team originally had other
>   uses, then got abandoned, and now repurposed, hence
>   the "-developers" suffix. The intention is to rename
>   it to "-reviewers" if possible or remove it and create
>   a new "amarok-reviewers.
> This is meant as a neutral summary. I set up konver-
> sation-reviewers on ossi's request, since it seems to
> be the only approach to merge request mail routing
> possible in Gitorious at the moment.

Thomas Zander

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