[Kde-scm-interest] meeting summary

Chani chanika at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 19:14:57 CET 2009

> >>
> >> We aren't going to switch to Gitorious with the current merge request
> >> situation. Its a blocker. Still a blocker.
> >
> > Why is it a blocker? What's actually wrong with it? What about it means
> > that people that need or want merge request notifications can't get it,
> > even if it means they have to ask one of the developers of the app,
> >
> > which makes sense given that they could then change the merge request
> > status (thus assuming a small amount of a "developer" role)?
> How it does make sense to receive emails they have to have to be able
> to change merge request statuses? Coupling the two makes no sense at
> all actually.
> It's a very backwards to have admins decide what emails you get.
> Normally users decide such things themselves.

not only is it backwards, it takes away freedom.
having to go ask an admin in order to start or stop receiving mail IS 
ridiculous. and it's a waste of the admin's time, too.

this groups thing is better than every non-amarok kde developer having to 
configure extra email filters - but it is still a temporary hack.

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