KDE4 slow

Michael Pyne mpyne at kde.org
Sat Jun 27 03:43:50 CEST 2009

On Friday 26 June 2009 08:33:26 Alex Fiestas wrote:
> I know that a lot of ppl knows this, and I also know that this, is not
> officially supported by KDE, but, launch your applications with the option
> "-- graphicssystem raster" will improve your paint performance.

As long as it works that's just fine (although you're right, bug reports on it 
won't necessarily receive the priority bugs with native rendering would get)

The "flaming" came from people recompiling Qt to make raster the default for 
*every* application, which lead to breakages for some X11 KDE apps that really 
did use X11.

Also keep in mind that raster is generally faster, but not universally faster.  
I know of at least one screensaver that had horrible performance if you ran it 
using raster instead of native due to slow raster code.  This may have already 
been fixed in Qt however.

 - Michael Pyne
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