Please add a tool to let users rate kde apps

Adriaan de Groot groot at
Fri Jan 26 22:54:31 CET 2007

On Friday 26 January 2007 13:51, Juergen Pfennig wrote:
> I write this in the hope that Adriaan will not find it off-topic ...

Heh. Am I that much of a topic-quasher? Anyway, check the proposed charter to 
see if it's acceptable:

 1 - KDE quality assurance
 2 - coordination of bug triage
 3 - bug dispute resolution
 4 - coding guidelines and standards
 5 - code checking
 6 - verification of KDE code
 7 - research into KDE quality

I think your suggestion comes in under (1) and (7) so it's fine.

> What about introducing a KDE-offical rating system that tells users if an
> app is stable, and if it can be recommended for a production environment?
> This could help real-world users to select the right applications for their
> business and could also help developers.

I recall a -devel or -core-devel thread suggesting a feedback agent, you might 
want to search for that. I'm not sure we *can* define a "stable" metric, or 
collect data in a privacy-neutral fashion. And of course the first thing that 
needs doing is actually *building* something that does what's needed. Once we 
have that we can very well experiment -- and server space is not a problem.

KDE Quality Team

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