Please add a tool to let users rate kde apps

Juergen Pfennig info at
Fri Jan 26 13:51:41 CET 2007

Hello everybody,
I write this in the hope that Adriaan will not find it off-topic ...

I'm a KDE user (and a little bit a contributor) since long time. In most cases 
the app quality got better over time but there are still a lot of apps that 
cannot be recommend for an office desktop system (kmail for example). Such 
apps typically only grow along the feature axis but loose stability and/or 
performance. Someone new to KDE cannot know this in advance. This might lead 
to considerable disappointment, lost time and lost money.

What about introducing a KDE-offical rating system that tells users if an app
is stable, and if it can be recommended for a production environment? This 
could help real-world users to select the right applications for their 
business and could also help developers.

kdirstat has a feedback dialog, but this is not what I am talking of.

Yours Jürgen

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