Improvment suggestions for KDE

Roman Danilov danil_rom at
Sun Jan 7 15:56:10 CET 2007

Here are a few suggestions that can signifacantly improve usability of KDE and are very easy to implement to the boot.
1. At present when I hover mouse pointer over a movie (video) file, I can see a (key) frame for preview in a pop up. The preview system could go ahead and within a second or so grab another (key) frame some 200 or whatever away from the previous one and so on. That would make a nice preview of the video file the way it is implemented, for example, here:
2. When I press Ctrl+Alt+Del, I get shutdown menu and at the same time the screen goes grey. If at this point we press Cancel, the screen will reverse to its full colour, and this is natural. However, on pressing restart or shutdown it behaves exactly the same whereas it would be more natural that it stays grey or even goes darker to black.
3. The bottom panel can be made to have a button that makes it slip sideways. The only portion that remains is this same button that would return the panel to its place. I think it would be nice if it could have an option of letting the clock remain above together with the return button.
Thank you and all the best to you.

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