Problems with Flash File Size, (width and height)

Mr Bulldog bulldogsay at
Sat Mar 11 12:52:33 CET 2006

Currently for Kde Video Tutorials the height setting for it is 1024x768, the
default height, however this is impossible to view fully on a browser  on
the same size screen. Do you think that I should reduce it to 800x600 so
that it is all available on screen as it isn't very good at all to be moving
around. Auto Scaling isn't an option so cannot be done and It isn't possible
to set multiple sizes for flash files.

There are many other benefits, such as the fact it won't use as much
bandwith and will put less strain on your computer.

However testing with 800 x 600 it is still clipped but that is the browsers
fault, maybe suggesting going full screen wity your browser by pressign say
F11 for firefox. As that works well.
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