discuss: consistency in KDE GUI

jos poortvliet jos at mijnkamer.nl
Fri Dec 22 13:34:47 CET 2006

Op Fri Dec 22 2006, schreef subbukk:
> Hi all,
> KDE is a nice way for people to get introduced to computing for the first
> time. However, I noticed a pattern of confusion in beginners. KDE is
> designed around objects and operations. Yet, this design is not
> consistently surfaced in application interfaces and the dissonance is
> confusing to beginners.
> Take Konqueror for instance. Its menu bar contains:
>  Location Edit View Bookmarks Tools Settings Help

Looks like you want to help, right? there are several things you can do. Seems 
you have ideas about usability, so you might contribute to the KDE4 HIG, 
which is being written right now. second, you could try to help the KDE 
developers to fix these things, by reporting them as bugs AND to include a 
clean solution (after all - with usability, it's often easy to see what is 
wrong, but solutions can be hard to find).

remember to file the bugs to the KDE4 apps (after checking them) as KDE 3.5.x 
development is mostly stopped. you might also want to do a full usability 
review of some apps, with PRACTICAL, to-the-point suggestions to make things 
better. in that case, you might first consult with the developers on what 
area's they would like you to concentrate.

for a startingpoint, i suggest openusability.org - i'm pretty sure that'll get 
you up-and-running.

Have a nice day.

Jos Poortvliet

btw: KDE-Quallity is a place to ask how to get involved in KDE, in case you 

> Happy Holidays,
> K. K. Subbu


Alles wat ik doe denk en zeg is gebaseerd op het wereldbeeld wat ik nu heb. 
Ik ben niet verantwoordelijk voor wijzigingen van de wereld, of het beeld wat 
ik daarvan heb, noch voor de daaruit voortvloeiende gedragingen van mezelf. 
Alles wat ik zeg is aardig bedoeld, tenzij expliciet vermeld.
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