
Sergejs Melderis s_melderis at computer.org
Mon May 30 16:30:41 CEST 2005

I am Sergejs Melderis, student in Computer Science. It's been a year since I was exposed to Linux
and KDE and now I use it on my Desktop every day. I know C++ and I know some Qt. For some reason 
I often use Kfind and every time I use it I don't like it and I think it needs improvement or may be 
complete redesign of UI and it needs some additional features. I saw on wiki.kde.org that you are 
looking for developers to improve KFind. I would like to participate.  I agree that tabbed dialog is not
very suited for this task. I've never seen Mac OS find program, but on Win XP it is better. Stability needs 
improvement too. I found many times that if you click stop while it is performing search it freezes. 
	I don't know how much time I will be able to work on it. It is not going to be a lot. I'll be working 
two jobs in summer but I think I'll find some time to work on it.  If somebody is already working on 
this task I can join. 

Sergejs Melderis.
Student in Computer Science
Salisbury State University , MD, USA.

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