Why do we report bugs?

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at acm.org
Tue Apr 19 00:22:06 CEST 2005

Marcos Fouces wrote:
>  On 4/16/05, James Richard Tyrer <tyrerj at acm.org> wrote:
>>I now believe that part of the font problem is in KDE -- rather than Qt
>>-- code so I filed a bug report:
>>>It was immediately marked with Priority: VLO, which I presume is one
>>>small step above WON'T FIX.
>>>How is this 'mad house' organized? Are we really all peers or is there
>>>an organization chart somewhere?
>>>I, for one, feel dissed when my bug reports are summarily dismissed as
> Oh you shouldn't be dissapointed. Keep in mind that there are thousands of 
> users per developer.

My point is that bugs should not be summarily dismissed within hours of 
being posted.  There are many bugs that are many months old that are 
probably in need of closing.  I would suggest that bugs should be left 
up for at least 30 days unless then are invalid or not reproduceable.

> Perhaps you should consider hire a developer to implement the features you 
> want.

I have already done that in some cases.  I have an in house developer 
that works cheap (myself :-)) but so far this hasn't done much good. 
The in house developer has been doing more work in the last month and I 
will have to see if it does any good.  Recent work has been posted to 
the kde-devel list:


and to a bug report:


We will see what the response to these is.

I have additional work, already installed on my system, in the hopper 
that is dependent on these two patches.

If you have suggestions about how to have these two improvements added 
to KDE, I welcome your comments.


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