RFC: kdenonbeta reorganisation

Daniel Molkentin molkentin at kde.org
Fri Sep 17 12:50:50 CEST 2004

On Friday 17 September 2004 12:38, Waldo Bastian wrote:
>2) kdereview-1, kdereview-2, ..., kdereview-N
>The kdereview modules are intended as staging area for relative stable
>software before it goes to one of the main KDE modules, or to kdeextragear.
>Typically it would be used to adjust imported projects to the KDE build
>environment and ideally it would receive a security review, usability review
>and some style guide compliance checking before it moves along.

This is a place for the KDE quality teams and the usability people to hook in 
before an application actually gets released. Usability people should ideally 
also be involved with kdeplayground if the application involves a UI.

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