{OT} QWhatsThis

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at acm.org
Mon Sep 13 06:48:56 CEST 2004

Kenneth Wimer wrote:
> * James Richard Tyrer <tyrerj at acm.org> [Sep 13. 2004 01:02]:
>>I was wondering if it might be a good idea for the Wizard that runs the 
>>first time you open KDE to have a provision to subscribe to the 'kde' and 
>>'kde-linux' or 'kde-<OS>' (if they exist) mailing lists (dependent on which 
>>OS you were running) to encourage more people to ask for help and by so 
>>doing to provide us with some usability data.
> So you are suggesting usability before a person has ever used the
> software? Seems kinda fscked up to me. Sorry...I am an artist on the
> wrong list, I know, but seriously...anyaway...

It is highly probably that sometime within the next hour that they *will* have 

OpenOffice asks you to register.


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