Dot story for someone to write (was Re: Writeup from aKademy)

Philip Rodrigues philip.rodrigues at
Wed Sep 1 13:06:00 CEST 2004

How's this? (It's my first attempt at journalism, so be nice :-)


'Junior Job' bugs meet with success

In May, Adriaan de Groot <a href="">suggested a 
new way</a> of marking bugs as being quick and easy to solve. If you find a 
bug on <a href=""></a> marked with 'JJ:', you 
can be sure that it's an easy way for new contributors to get into bug 

Today on the kde-quality list, Christian Loose reported on how successful this 
scheme has already been:

"I justed wanted to give an example of how good this really works...

I started to mark some bugs as JJ some months ago. Now I already received
three high-quality patches from two different people (Thanks Sergio and 
Dermot!) for those reports. 

That's much more than I expected."

So, developers, remember to mark those easy bugs with a 'JJ'!
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