trolling for helpers

Dik Takken D.H.J.Takken at
Fri Oct 22 12:07:37 CEST 2004

>> I meant buttons that are not square...
>> rather rectangular, therefor allowing the
>> addition of text labels.
>ah... you mean to the left/right of the buttons? or above? or? be as 
>as you can be; that'll help the odds it becomes a reality. =)

Just a stupid idea that popped up (don't hit me for this one): Kicker's 
main panel (the one with the launch icons and applets) has some 
similarities with a toolbar widget. Kicker wants things that 
toolbars already have (like showing text with the icons) and toolbars want 
things that kicker already has (like moving/removing/adding icons via 
it's RMB menu). In stead of copy/paste-ing code from the toolbar 
widget to kicker and vice versa, could we not just have those two entities 
share code? Or, and here comes my Most Stupid Idea of Today (TM) 
:) : Put kicker's icons and widgets on a toolbar widget? That would also 
make the handling/editing of the icons/widgets on kicker's main panel 
consistent with how other 'toolbars' in KDE work (and vice versa).



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