Problems getting into programming

Ramon van Alteren ramon at
Thu May 13 00:02:51 CEST 2004

Hi Thomas,

> > I guess CVS compares the revision numbers of the files, that
> > shouldn't take that much bandwidth.
> The last time I did an update for KDevelop and kdegraphics it took
> quite some time. The problem is probably that there are really a
> LOT of files to compare. I will probably do an update every 2 weeks
> or so.

You can always just update the application you're working on, simple by typing 
cvs update in de dir of the app. This will update that directory and the ones 
below it.

In the end this will get you a lot of dependency problems but it's usefull to 
make sure that you're developing with the latest sources.

Grtz Ramon
ramon at
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