When to set VERIFIED in BugZilla?

Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at kde.org
Fri Mar 12 14:13:59 CET 2004

On Friday 12 March 2004 13:15, Marc Heyvaert wrote:
> Could someone explain me what the life cycle of a KDE
> bug is then,

When a bug is reported it comes in as UNCONFIRMED. The developer or somebody 
else being able to reproduce the bug than confirms it, so it becomes NEW. 
Some developers use ASSIGNED to mark that they are currently working on a 
bug. When it is fixed or recognized as invalid or duplicate it is set to 
RESOLVED. That's the final state.

> Especially how it eventually disappears. I mean, when
> it is resolved, fixed or whatever, it has to be
> closed, hasn't it?

No, we don't use the VERIFIED and CLOSED states.

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at kde.org>

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