When to set VERIFIED in BugZilla?

Carlos Leonhard Woelz carloswoelz at imap-mail.com
Thu Mar 11 15:10:59 CET 2004

On Thu, 11 Mar 2004 05:47:41 -0700, "James Richard Tyrer"
<tyrerj at acm.org> said:
> Henrique Pinto wrote:
> > James Richard Tyrer wrote:
> > 
> >> Hello! :-)  Perhaps we need to discuss this further, but aren't we 
> >> starting a QA department?  Isn't that what we are doing here?
> > 

The KDE Quality Team is a gateway between people who care about the
quality of the KDE and the KDE normal development process. The objectives

1) Support new contributors, with any info they need
2) Organize the tasks to be done, to make it easy for new people to

A very good subproduct of 2 is a global view of the main application
issues. This is important because non programmers usually don't have
strong preferences about tasks: they just what to help their favorite app
/ desktop.

> > AFAIK, (Quality Team != QA Team).


See this post so I don't have to write it again.


> If you mean that the KDE Quality Team is not supposed to do Quality 
> Assurance, then IIUC you would be WRONG.
> If you don't understand what Quality Assurance is: it means seeing that
> the 
> bugs actually get fixed.  Is it your understanding that the KDE Quality 
> Team isn't going to do that?

Quality Assurance is a formal process we currently lack the man power to
start and maintain. It is not out of the scope of the Quality Team: it is
just that we don't have anyone currently doing that. Do you want to start

As a curiosity, how do you think we could solve the following problems?

- Since contributors are volunteers, how can you *force* people fixing
- Even if you *force* them to do so, a strict scheme like that wouldn't
scare away good developers? KDE is supposed to be fun.
- Who would do the work of re-checking all the bugs?

A good QA proposition would have to deal with all that. I have not yet
thought of a suitable solution to these problems. You could start a pilot
project, if you find an application maintainer that agrees with you, and
we could draw conclusions from that.

In the mean time, there is a lot to do. We can make KDE better by writing
docs, artwork, managing bugs, programming, fixing usability issues,
helping fellow contributors, etc...

  Carlos Leonhard Woelz
  carloswoelz at imap-mail.com

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