KOffice documentation: Developers Guide and improving application manuals

Raphael Langerhorst raphael-langerhorst at gmx.at
Fri Mar 5 09:13:38 CET 2004

Hi all,

I just subscribed and had a quick view at the archives (just the subjects). 
Seems there is allready a lot going on here, that is great!

I'm myself relatively new to KDE development, but have allready started on a 
few things:

1) improving the documentation for KOffice: application manuals.

Some spelling mistakes for the KSpread documentation fixed so far, currently 
working on improving content. KOffice generally could use a documentation 
cleanup and improvement.

If anyone else wants to work on improving the documentation we can coordinate 
efforts on this list or on the doc-english list:

2) writing a guide for new (KOffice) developers

I am actively working on a developers guide for KOffice programming. This 
guide is surely also interesting for general KDE development. It guides a new 
developer briefly through the steps needed to learn KDE programming with 
focus on KOffice. Take a look at the attachment, it's a KWord document. That 
is the current state of the guide. It's still in a very early state but the 
first chapter is done: what you need to know before you can work on a KDE 
application. The second chapter then starts with an overview of the internals 
of KOffice. That is meant to be many more pages and the following chapters 
will be on the individual parts of KOffice.
Currently the discussion about this guide is handled on the koffice-devel 
mailing list:

The KOffice Development Guide is surely a good reading for new programmers 
here (chapter 1 for all of KDE, the rest more KOffice specific). Those who 
also want to help on improving the guide are very welcome to do so. For this 
I would like to invite you to the koffice-devel mailing list (see above). 
Currently the thread is "developers documentation".

There is also loads of information about development on 

Since this list is about quality...
If you are truly interested in development, keep an eye on KBugBuster...

If you want to find and correct bugs, it is also wise to be familiar with the 
internals of the application. But that is just what you learn by selecting a 
bug and trying to fix it. Some basic knowledge about used libraries (Qt for 
example) beforehand would be a great thing. At the beginning it will take 
some time because you are still learning about the internal structure of the 
application, but don't worry, you will get more and more familiar with all.

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