kde-quality update

Nicholas Vettese nvettese at pdistributors.com
Thu Jul 1 15:41:29 CEST 2004

I would like to do a presentation at my LUG, where can I get a copy of 
your talk and the slide show?


Carlos Leonhard Woelz wrote:

>On Thu, 1 Jul 2004 14:05:17 +0200, "Fabrice Mous"
><fabricemous at xs4all.nl> said:
>>Hi all, 
>>During LinuxTag I did a talk about the KDE-quality project. I meant to
>>give a 
>>30 min talk. I was a bit nervous and started speeding up my presentation 
>>(without noticing it myself) and I managed to do it in 15 min. The
>>of people was very small. I had at maximum maybe 10 people listening to
>>Maybe this particular talk wasn't a big succes for this project but I did
>>about it and plan to talk about it some more on future events (hey I got
>>slideshow already). This project is really a good way to help people get 
>>involved with KDE and we need to spread the word. 
>>As for my participance in kde-quality I would like to volunteer for the 
>>"Communication And Promotion" section. As I am an editor for dot.kde.org
>>have quite some leads for good articles. We just lack the people for it.
>>anyone interested can shout out on this list and I will pick it up. 
>This is great, Fabrice, thank you, and welcome on board.
>For KDE quality, we have two main events ahead: the bug hunting season
>and the new release season.
>The bug hunting season deserves a call to arms, inviting people to check
>if old bugs are still valid, and do do general bug management. I will
>have a look in the bug management guide to see if we can update before
>we start calling people to help out. It would be nice to announce that
>together with the beta...
>The new release season involves checking the modules for the status of
>the doc, whatsthis, artwork, bug work, etc... and update the wiki pages
>for these modules, just like we did in the beginning of the 3.2 release
>cycle. At least with kdepim, this experience has been very constructive,
>especially in the docs and artwork section. If we can find more
>volunteers, we can expand this experience. I think we can try to update
>the wiki pages and then announce it widely. On the 3.2 we did the other
>way around (first announce, than create the pages). By creating the
>pages first, we can give a focus to newcomers. The kde-quality
>announcement attracted a lot of people, but most of them did not find a
>task they wanted to perform.
>On a side note, I would like to talk about the experience of eating my
>own dog-food by helping out KPilot, following the holistic approach
>(looking to the application as a whole).
>I have been working on bug hunting, documentation, whatsthis, some
>usability, and even artwork. I plan to write an article about "cool
>things to do with KPilot" when KDE 3.3 is out. The feedback from the
>maintainers and coders has been great. It is amazing how much they
>listen to you after you start sending some documentation patches :) It
>has been a very fun ride so far, and I invite you to select an
>application you like and start helping out right now.
>For people who never wrote documentation before, learning the docbook
>format is a bit time consuming. Using quanta as the docbook editor helps
>a lot. I plan to create a docbook toolbar for quanta to make things even
>easier, and to update the documentation section of the kde quality
>I would appreciate if someone could help me out to increase the mention
>kde-quality in the kde.org site, especially http://www.kde.org/support.
>The guides we have available in the quality site and the wiki are
>excellent. We need more links to them. I plan to maintain and update
>them for the foreseeable future.
>Carlos Woelz

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