[Bug 95820] Hidden panels collide at corners of screen

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at acm.org
Wed Dec 29 00:47:03 CET 2004

Aaron Seigo wrote:
> i made a decision that i feel is appropriate and until you present 
> some rational that changes things that decision stands.

I presented you with a test case for #2 which is the simple one to
implement (the program now makes a decision and it only needs to be
reversed) and a rational reason (poor eye hand coordination) that this
is the better choice.

Your arrogant answer:

>> as for #2, what if you actually WANT the other panel? oh, right, 
>> now the behaviour is broken again. so NO, it isn't a fix.

But, why would someone go to the left edge of the screen if they wanted
the top panel?

And what you do if you actually WANT the other panel is that you move
the mouse a little -- precedence only applies if the mouse is in the
very small area where the panels overlap.  And, yes users would
understand that because they can see that the panels overlap.

> i am not beholden to agree with you just because you feel a certain 
> way.

No you do not have any obligation to agree with me.  I understand that 
your mind is made up and you don't want to be confused with factual 
arguments (the facts).

I suggest that you should treat those that attempt to contribute with
some respect.  And, I tell you that I do not 'feel' a certain way about
this.  My suggestion is based on rational thought which I attempted to
explain to you.

> if that was how development worked, it wouldn't work at all.

Development would work best by discussion of issues in a rational way
rather than by arbitrary decisions of those that feel that something is
their territory.

I apologize if you still don't understand why I feel that you acted
inappropriately.  I expected for your to explain why my suggestion was
wrong.  I resent your straw men and sophistic arguments in lieu of real
reasons.  I also see no reason not to leave the WISHLIST item open for 
other users to add their comments.


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