GCompris Video 3

frances.tait frances.tait at kdab.com
Wed Apr 24 10:13:20 BST 2024

Hi Paul,

Here’s the link, as promised.

GCompris in India - An Example of Its Global Spread, from a Contributor's Perspective.

There seem to be some minor sound issues* (could be my connection, others haven’t reported it) and the subs are slightly different to what’s being said, in parts. The subs file was included in your download if you want to amend it for your version.

All the best,

*If it turns out to be universal and we find a way to resolve that I’ll let you know.

> On 28 Mar 2024, at 15:56, frances.tait <frances.tait at kdab.com> wrote:
> Hello Paul,
> I’m delighted to say we are able to offer you the GCompris videos to post on your own channels after all, and apologise for the hiatus while we sorted this out internally. 
> At some point soon I will give you the link to the latest video like we did last time, and look forward to seeing it on peer tube as well as YT. 
> As for your other points below (about us having an account there and a few other things), we didn’t have time to address that yet, but will consider.
> In the meantime, have a great Easter break!
> All the best,
> Frances
>> On 25 Mar 2024, at 12:51, Paul Brown <paul.brown at kde.org> wrote:
>> On Monday, 25 March 2024 10:35:47 CET frances.tait wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> Thanks for your understanding. I will nonetheless run it by my folks again
>>> to see if ‘both’ is OK.
>>> Just to be clear, as I understand it, we didn’t fear folk would switch from
>>> YouTube to PeerTube, rather I think the hope was the other way around: that
>>> KDE folk would watch it on Youtube instead of PeerTube, so we’d get the
>>> extra views, as it’s unlikely PeerTube users would also watch it on
>>> Youtube.
>> That is correct. That said, audiences on PT are significantly smaller than on 
>> YT and, as I explain below, you will not move the needle in any significant way 
>> regardless of your decision.
>>> What’s your thoughts on that? Do you think we exclude folk from seeing it by
>>> sticking to YouTube?
>> Definitely. There are whole swathes of the Free Software Internet where links 
>> to YouTube are banned. And then there are the members of the public who will 
>> not watch YT out of principle, because of the invasion of privacy, the 
>> annoying ads, the terrible community, etc.
>> The way to reach that kind of audience is through platforms like PeerTube.
>> Conversely, people who follow you on YT are not suddenly going to jump to  PT 
>> just because you post there too. They are on YT because of inertia, 
>> convenience, they follow more things, they have their own channels, it is what 
>> they know, etc.
>> The idea that just because you post to PeerTube, you are suddenly going to 
>> lose views on YT is not based on reality and not based on evidence either, 
>> mainly because there is none.
>> I can say that posting to PeerTube is probably a smart PR move if you want to 
>> ingratiate yourself with Free Software community members. Other communities 
>> don't care and will be fine with YT, but posting to PT shows awareness for the 
>> principles of many users and developers. It is a bit like adding vegan options 
>> to food served at an office party, or respecting other people's pronouns.
>> You already have a KDAB Mastodon account, the next step is to have a PT 
>> account and link both. (By the way, your KDAB Mastodon account is not verified. 
>> You should look into that).
>> As mentioned some time ago, I can set you up with a channel on the KDE-and-
>> friends instance at  https://tube.kockatoo.org . I can make it look similar to 
>> what you have on YT and make it so it virtually manages itself, as anything 
>> you post to YT will automatically be replicated on PT without human 
>> intervention.
>> I can then hand you the keys and you do your thing and see insights on each 
>> video if you need it. Insights are not as comprehensive as on YT, but are 
>> probably enough for most needs (see attached screenshot).
>> Cheers
>> Paul
>>>> On 22 Mar 2024, at 19:58, Paul Brown <paul.brown at kde.org> wrote:
>>>> Our original idea was to be able to give you coverage on YT _AND_
>>>> PeerTube,
>>>> adding coverage, not subtracting from it. Since it is highly unlikely that
>>>> YouTube viewers will go out of the way to go to PeerTube to watch your
>>>> videos we were not expecting this to affect negatively your viewing
>>>> numbers -- and indeed it wouldn't have.
>>> ----
>>> Frances Tait | frances.tait at kdab.com | Marketing and Partner relations
>>> Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company
>>> Tel: Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090, USA +1-866-777-KDAB(5322)
>>> KDAB - Trusted Software Excellence
>> -- 
>> Promotion & Communication
>> www: https://kde.org
>> Mastodon: https://floss.social/@kde
>> Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kde/
>> Twitter: https://twitter.com/kdecommunity
>> LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kde<Screenshot_20240325_123014.png>
> ----
> Frances Tait | frances.tait at kdab.com | Marketing and Partner relations
> Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company
> Tel: Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090, USA +1-866-777-KDAB(5322)
> KDAB - Trusted Software Excellence


Frances Tait | frances.tait at kdab.com | Marketing and Partner relations
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company
Tel: Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090, USA +1-866-777-KDAB(5322)
KDAB - Trusted Software Excellence

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