KDE at Augsburger Linux-Infotag (DE)

Paul Brown paul.brown at kde.org
Fri Feb 9 13:37:22 GMT 2024

Hello Ulf and Michael,

Thanks for offering to cover this event.

We would first like to apologise beforehand for the extra bureaucracy we now 
put you through to get what you need for a successful event. Please remember 
this is new for us too and we still have to iron out the kinks. We do think it 
will make everything better in the long run: booth staff at events will have 
more and better materials, more expense coverage and a clearer idea of what 
they want to achieve.

Speaking of, let's start with that:

## Goals

We need you to tell us about your goals. The "goals" are simple one-sentence 
statements that say what you want to achieve. Examples of goals are:

- Increase the number of Supporting Members [by 10]*
- Convince attendees interested in gaming to try Plasma (for gaming) on their 
- Encourage users to install app [X] on their devices
- Recruit contributors for project(s) [Y]
- Recruit mentees for SoK/GSoC
- Convince [company|organization|public entity] to use [software K|framework 
- Encourage atendees to support KDe iwht donations*
- Etc.

Please note that things like

- Raise awareness of KDE among students
- Inform attendees (about Z)
- Give out stickers
- Etc.

are **not** promotional goals. They are the things you do to reach your goals 
of increasing the number of users/contributors/community members, raise funds, 
get companies interested in using our frameworks, etc.

Goals help us determine what you will need to take with you and let's you know 
what to say to attendees because you know where you want to take them.

If you want to get people to adopt software X, you will need a device that 
will be able to run X in the best possible way. You may also need peripherals 
for certain apps, like a drawing tablet and pen for Krita. If you want to 
seduce gamers, you're probably going to need a Steam Deck or some other Plasma 
powered gaming console, or at the very least laptop with Plasma and Steam and 
an active Steam account. If you want to convince a school to adopt Free 
Software for children, you may want to have a laptop or tablet with GCompris 

And so on.

* Note that not all types of goals will apply to all events. For an event in 
Augsburg University, the goals requiring donations may not be realistic. 
Students are poor! Feel free to pick and choose the ones that you think will 
work for your particular event.


## Available Materials

We have a bunch of stuff you can already use.

From the list below, please tell us what you want -- or just "Everything!" if 
you need it all:

- A large tablecloth with the KDE K and gear logo on it for the booth
- A standup banner
- A drawing tablet for Krita demos
- A set of laminated "slides" with descriptions and QRs pointing to important 
sites (for apps, Plasma, donations, outreach, etc.) -- see attachment

Note the last item on that list is standing in for flyers, as we are not doing 
those anymore. Flyers are difficult to design, expensive to produce, an 
environmental hazard, and usually end up in the trash anyway.

Instead, we invite attendees who require more information to scan a QR and 
they get to read our virtual digital flyers (aka "websites") on their phones. I 
mean, if they can do scan a QR to order food, you can do it at tech 
conference, right?

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you need some or all of the above, we have to know how to 
get it to you. Can you tell us where you are located so we can figure out the 

## Stickers

We can also provide you with stickers. For this we need to have an estimate of 
how many people will attend the event so we can place an order. The best way 
to find out then number of attendees is by contacting the organizers and ask 
what the attendance was like in prior years.

Do that, get back to us and we'll place an order for you.

## Extras

Under this heading are the thing we don't have in the pack (yet) and you may 
have to take yourselves. Some of the stuff we can help source from other 

The list:

- At least 2 laptops: One for demoing Plasma, one for demoing apps. If you 
have a third one to run the QR slideshow, it won't hurt
- At least one large, standalone monitor. You use this to mirror whatever is 
going on the demo laptops so people can see it from afar.

#### Optional but very good to have

- A Steam Deck (or some other Plasma-powered game console)
- A (Pine?)phone with Plasma Mobile installed
- Other electronics with KDE software embedded (Raspberry Pis, Risc V SBCs, 

## Budget

Finally we have to figure out the budget. This typically includes the cost of 
travel for booth staff, stickers (and cost of any other merch), transport cost 
for materials, etc.

We will need you to get us the costs for tickets to and from the venue. Do you 
need accommodation or will you be travelling to and from the event on the same 

## TODOs

To summarise, what we need from you is:

- A list of goals
- A list of materials you think you may need
- Your current location
- An estimate for travel costs
- An estimate of the number of attendees (for stickers)
- Information about anything else you may need.

Let us now what you think and, again, apologies for the long list of TODOs and 
thank you for covering this event.


Paul & Aniqa

On Tuesday, 6 February 2024 22:26:40 CET Ulf Bartholomäus wrote:
> Hi Vinzenz,
> I'm not sure if we need so much. I have a Convertible running with
> Tumbleweed KDE and according my info Michael have one device with KDEneon.
> If you can provide me one device with TuxedoOS2, this can be shown as well.
> In best case we can show a multi Monitor setup as well.
> But we are looking more about a tablecloth and a KDE flag (or similar), like
> you can find at Carls Homepage from Vorarlberg Linux Days:
> https://carlschwan.eu/2023/10/03/linux-days-voralberg/stand.jpg
> Also some KDE-Flyers as well 2 or 3 Shirts with KDE Logo for me and Michael
> will be nice (I would pay them if possible).
> Cheers
> Ulf
> Am Dienstag, 6. Februar 2024, 14:02:12 CET schrieb Vinzenz Vietzke:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Am 05.02.24 um 22:03 schrieb Ulf Bartholomäus:
> > > at Saturday, 20th April 2024 will be the 20. "Augsburger Linux-Infotag"
> > > in
> > > the rooms from "Technischen Hochschule Augsburg".
> > > https://www.luga.de/LIT-2024/
> > > 
> > > Michael (see CC) and would present KDE (especially the new Plasma6
> > > Desktop). Is it possible to provide us some material to present KDE
> > > properly 😉
> > 
> > our offer from last year of course still stands:
> > 
> > If you need hardware to show KDE things & Plasma just let me know.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> > Vinz

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