Promoting GnuPG support for Okular and addition to Gpg4win

Andre Heinecke aheinecke at
Mon May 22 20:02:04 BST 2023


> Or if you have KMail configured for S/MIME signed mail, you can now not only 
> sign your Mails but PDF documents with the same S/MIME setup.
> Similarly if you have Outlook configured to do RESTRICTED compliant S/MIME 
> our plugin, you can now sign documents, too.
> Where previously this would have required different configurations.
> > Yeah, or we could just enable a shared folder on Collaborate and dump stuff 
> > there.
> I think we definitely need some screenshots or even a short video to
> illustrate  the workflow. :)
> A shared folder should not be required for the data, if I have to share some 
> larger data I can just upload into our infrastructure.

Could you point me towards the next steps, here?

So my goal is a news item on hoepefully with some help from KDE 
Promo and ideally a entry with some cross promotion with social 
media. I can get really excited about this. This is so fucking amazing, just 
two years ago I was unable to sign any document with Free (Open Source) 
Software. Then Okular came along with Mozilla NSS support and it was "meh" 
okay,.. sucks but somewhat works.

 Now I can declare my taxes etc. with only KDE Software in the frontend, with 
a nice and accessible user experience, with a stampy Icon and all that fluffy 
stuff. This is truly great. But I am unsure how to articulate it. Maybe some 
video call?

Totally brainfucked example of course but in my opinion (I am not a Lawayer)( 
this could mean that Germany could legally declare war on France but only if 
they both download Okular because that is the only Software that correctly 
handles brainpool ECC signatures to sign and verify the declaration of war. 
But which they both agreed upon is a legal form to sign documents.

I am CC'ign some of my team to help me out here because I will be away for 
most of the week and we really need to get to a new Gpg4win release.  (aacid, 
sadly is not on my team,...... yet ;P) )

Best Regards,
-- - a brand of g10 Code, the GnuPG experts.

g10 Code GmbH, Erkrath/Germany, AG Wuppertal HRB14459
GF Werner Koch, USt-Id DE215605608,

GnuPG e.V., Rochusstr. 44, D-40479 Düsseldorf.  VR 11482 Düsseldorf
Vorstand: W.Koch, B.Reiter, A.Heinecke        Mail: board at
Finanzamt D-Altstadt, St-Nr: 103/5923/1779.   Tel: +49-211-28010702
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