Promoting GnuPG support for Okular and addition to Gpg4win

Paul Brown paul.brown at
Tue May 16 14:58:47 BST 2023

On Tuesday, 16 May 2023 12:52:01 CEST Andre Heinecke wrote:
> Hi Team,

Hello Andre,

Thanks for getting in touch.

> over the past months we have worked on integrating Okular with the Software
> GnuPG. We do not think that there are any hurdles left that would keep us
> releasing it with the marker experimental in the next release so we can be
> more public about announcing the plans.
> Attached is a "blogish" or Press Release style draft which I would love to
> get some assistance with. It is of course in our interest to promote our
> product a bit, but this is featured a bit too prominent in the article and
> could be toned down. Esp. for something like a dot story.
> Websites etc. are not really a sales channel for us.
> But it would be nice to get the point across that there will be an easy to
> purchase version of Okular. Because for some it is really important that
> they have a responsible supplier for each of their installed Software
> things and so they shy away from Open Source. Esp. in the Government it is
> often times easier to just request to buy a license of something that you
> already have a contract with then to get something like Okular installed
> from the Windows Store.

Okay... I have read the post, but still have some questions:

So the package you deliver to customers comprises cryptographic software, and 
will soon come bundled with a hardened version of Okular too, correct? I see 
it already includes Kleopatra as its certificate manager.

Can you explain how Okular fits into the existing collection of software? Or, 
even better, can you give me a scenario where a user would prefer to use the 
hardened Okular over another PDF reader? Are we talking providing users with 
the means to display encrypted documents or for encrypting documents for 
sending them safely?

Please excuse my ignorance, as I am not a super-technical person, and I need 
to get my head around these things from a user's perspective.

> And of course this gives all the voices in government an additional
> incentive to stick to their "we prefer Open Source" words and actually use
> it. Since there can be no longer the excuse that this is just "hobbist
> software". :)
> The Gpg4win integration will also just lead to 150-300k Downloads a month.
> At least as long as we mark it as experimental it will not be installed by
> default, though.
> I have also sent a mail to okular-devel to detail our release plans a bit:
> This is the first time for me asking KDE-Promo for assistance so what is the
> process here? Will you open a phabricator ticket where I can then attach
> screenshots?

Yeah, or we could just enable a shared folder on Collaborate and dump stuff 

> I can provide a beta of our current installer for Windows and demo
> certificates. And screenshots of course. The source code is anyway public.
> The only thing which I currently cannot provide is a beta of our Appimage.
> I'll try to get around to that this week but our Windows release has
> priority.

This probably won't be necessary as long as you can provide screenshots. But 
anybody who is reading this and wants to give it a go, please jump in.


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