60 KDE Repositories on KDAB's Codebrowser

Paul Brown paul.brown at kde.org
Mon May 15 11:06:35 BST 2023

On Monday, 15 May 2023 10:44:12 CEST frances.tait wrote:
> Hi Paul,

Hello Frances,

> We now have 60 KDE repositories added to codebrowser.dev
> <https://codebrowser.dev/>, and almost all of the KDE Framework
> Libraries(which are the most attractive part of KDE from an external dev
> perspective).

Wow! Very interesting and useful.

> We wondered if you’d like to take the opportunity to make some noise about
> that via your/our channels?

Of course!

> Perhaps we can interview you for our KDAB News?

Maybe someone with a more solid technical background? My first thought is Nate 
Graham, who has a has a lot of programming know-how and is also very 
articulate. He would be able to convey the importance of this service to 
developers better than I could ever. He is also well-respected in development 

I think that is the aim, right? To get developers using the service? A 
recognisable name like Nate's would work in favour of this.

What do you think?


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