25th anniversary wiki page

Paul Brown paul.brown at kde.org
Wed Jul 28 21:11:27 BST 2021

On Wednesday, 28 July 2021 20:23:15 CEST Adriaan de Groot wrote:
> I made a thing.

Hello Adriaan,

> Following ancient KDE principles of not know what the heck I'm doing, I
> copied the KDE 20th birthday wiki page on community.kde.org to a 25th
> anniversary page,
> https://community.kde.org/25th_birthday

Before you go to any more trouble...

We had a meeting this morning Allyson, Aniqa and yours truly and we were 
looking at doing something like this. However,  we ultimately decided to not 
go wiki for the main, public-facing, landing page, as it does not offer us all 
the styling possibilities we are looking for. We will probably take a template 
from the main website and adapt that.

> and that might be a place to collect things for this event -- or if not, it
> can redirect to somewhere more useful, like under the Promo/Events
> namespace, wherever makes sense.

Maybe it would be better if the things were collected in one place, namely as 
attachments in the tasks on the workboard:


Larger files should be uploaded to the Share folder.

Having materials spread over several locations increases the probability of 
stuff getting missed if you don't  think to look in all the different spots. It 
also makes tracking progress harder.

Apologies for not informing you earlier. We had no idea you were going to work 
on this.


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