[Quantitative] Segmentation CSV/FCS auto-export

Milian Wolff milian.wolff at kdab.com
Mon Feb 22 08:12:23 GMT 2021

On Sonntag, 21. Februar 2021 02:40:13 CET Michel NEDERLOF wrote:
> Hi Milian,
> Thanks for spotting that!
> Indeed saving bogus data is not a good thing. Saving all data is a sane
> alter alternative,  but those tables get very unwieldy for most practical
> purpose. I think the best is to save smaller subset with cchannel
> expression features (3 now) and some popular shape functions. This would
> solve most use cases. If the user wants more or customize the list, then we
> point them to the table view export functions
> Not that we had such a thing a while ago for exporting main features to
> Orange. We can review that list and use it...

Now, we are exporting the full data to FCS. As it's a binary format that's 
handled via custom tools anyways, I guess that should be fine?

But if you would prefer, I can obviously also use the Orange-subset for the 
auto-export there, similar to what we do for the CSV export. Please advise.


Milian Wolff | milian.wolff at kdab.com | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH, a KDAB Group company
Tel: +49-30-521325470
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts
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