On the upcoming app release and a change in the announcement strategy

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Sat Jan 30 13:37:01 GMT 2021

We stopped doing announcements for bugfix releases in 2019. Instead we have
the monthly app updates for all apps. You recently started a discussion
about changing that but it's fizzled out without conclusion.


On Saturday, 30 January 2021, Paul Brown <paul.brown at kde.org> wrote:
> Hello Fellow Promoers,
> We recently received the list of "noteworthy" changes for the 20.12.3 apps
> release:
> https://phabricator.kde.org/P666#2746
> I will pre-empt by saying that the cumulative correction of small bugs is
> tremendously important and, over time, what makes using KDE software such
> satisfactory experience.
> However, reporting on them in isolation to the public has proven to be
> literally counterproductive. For one, putting the effort into writing an
> announcement about these changes is far greater than any PR benefit we
> from informing about fixes to bugs that most people won't even have ever
> noticed.
> Then there is the matter "follower fatigue", a real thing we have
> first-hand: this happens when we overpost and lose followers because we
> flooding their feeds with trivial things.
> Just by posting this, we are not overposting, of course, but it is better
> have consistent criteria in which we post stuff that is useful and/or
> interesting for our followers -- and this is neither.
> Besides, we have a lot of stuff coming up worth reporting about: FOSDEM,
> report, Plasma 5.21, new projects incorporated into KDE, collaborations
> other projects, etc..
> Getting back to the apps announcements and the proposal supported by some
> people to spacing app announcements more, I say we give this one pass  and
> instead we take on the task of setting up a calendar for big app
> announcements, like we do for Plasma.
> My proposal is to do a big announcement for apps midway between Plasma
> announcements. That way we would have complementary tent-pole
> every two months and it places the next apps announcement somewhere
> Thoughts?
> Cheers
> Paul
> --
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