system-config-printer-kde (was KDE Print - getting involved)

Richard Birnie arbyuk at
Thu Jan 22 22:48:07 CET 2009

> The printer admin tools, printer-applet and system-config-printer-kde, are
> written in Python by Jonathon Riddell of Kubuntu fame and while they are
> shaping up well he needs help to make them feature-complete.

If anyone is interested in this I've been doing some work to try and get this 
in shape. A while ago Jonathan and Celeste Lyn Paul did a review of system-
config-printer-kde and came up with a design for an improved user interface. 
I've been working on trying to implement this. My work so far is currently 
living here:

I've also spent a bit of time trying to get that ui to work as a KCM module in 
system settings. That work is here:

Now that trunk has unfrozen I need to migrate these to KDE svn. It's far from 
complete but it's a start. The standalone app is working pretty well although 
it's still missing several features. The kcm module has some nasty bugs in it 
that need working out.

What started out as fixing a few small bugs has erm ... escalated somewhat :P 
So any help or guidance would indeed be welcome, especially if it's patch 
flavoured :) If anyone does happen to be interested feel free to mail me or 
catch me on irc. I'm Arby and can usually be found in #kubuntu-devel or 
lurking quietly in #kde-devel


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